Posts tagged with ‘Achievement’

2130 of 84 items

Stubborn With Your Goals, Flexible With Your Methods (The FRONT #28)

by Mike Phillips

You must be stubborn with your goals. You should stay flexible in the approach and the methods. If you want your life to be meaningful and have a strong purpose, you must have goals! You should have lots of goals. Business goals, family goals, personal goals, each of these will move you to a successful […]

“Your One Word” Video Book Review

by Mike Phillips

Here is my video review of the book, “Your One Word” by Evan Carmichael. At the time of this writing, I have completed reading (on Amazon Kindle) or listening to Evan Carmichael’s book, “YOUR ONE WORD – The Powerful Secret To Creating a Business and Life That Matter,” three times through now.  A few words […]

Besides Talent, You Must Also Have Skills

by Mike Phillips

Besides talents, you must have the skills to see long-term success. Talent is defined as having a natural aptitude. And, Skill is having the ability to do something well; expertise.  I like working with talented people. People that have a raw and natural ability to accomplish and accel in their chosen craft. I also admire and enjoy working with […]

Business Is About Results

by Mike Phillips

In business, success is measured by results, not effort. Regardless of the business that you are in, sales make businesses money. Success is measured in dollars and in the volume of sales. Of course, the business that you either own or work in you want to be enjoyable and to like the people you work […]

Tell And Show! (The FRONT #23)

by Mike Phillips

In training, you should TELL  and SHOW your staff to get the best out of them! Training and teaching are all about being in the front! We likely all remember the weekly “show and tell” when we were in school. Well, in leadership and management it’s the inverse. You must TELL and SHOW your people […]

Managing Your State and Upping Your Attitude (The FRONT #22)

by Mike Phillips

If you want greater success… you MUST manage your state and up your attitude! So tonight I’m having a discussion on managing your state of mind and upping your attitude! Staying positive is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself for business! Positive self-talk is important. Because positive self-talk leads to […]

Like a Wildfire… Spread Your Joy

by Mike Phillips

Nope. It’s not about you.

by Mike Phillips

It really isn’t… about you I mean. I know it’s a tough pill to swallow. You just made the cut, you just got promoted into management. Especially if you are early on in your career. You may feel like you have something to prove… and you should. After all, you have to show that you […]

Working On My One Word

by Mike Phillips

To find ONE WORD is likely to be the toughest, easy thing I’ve done. I have been reading or listening to rather (on Audible) Evan Carmichael’s book “Your One Word” and it is awesome! Evan is clear on his one-word #BELIEVE. Let me start off by saying that if you haven’t heard of Evan Carmichael, […]

Leadership Accountability (The FRONT #14)

by Mike Phillips

Leadership Accountability – GET SOME! The definition of accountability is the state of being accountable or an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility. Is this you? Are you completing tasks with the same diligence that you assign to your staff? Are you performing the duties necessary to lead and get out in front? Do you […]