Posts tagged with ‘Achievement’

3140 of 84 items

The Leadership Ripple Effect (The FRONT #13)

by Mike Phillips

The Leadership Ripple Effect is just like throwing a stone into a pond. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity along the shore. You must understand that as a leader, mentor, and manager, your attitude, energy, and emotions […]

Childlike Perseverance (The FRONT #12)

by Mike Phillips

Childlike Perseverance, meaning you should try UNTIL… Perseverance is going until you complete a task. It is not trying, it is all about doing. Here are a few tips to get you to the end of your tasks! [embedyt][/embedyt] Everyone faces challenges in life, but it’s not the obstacles that define us. Rather, it is […]

Notes On Success (The FRONT #8)

by Mike Phillips

Here are several things I think make people successful! [embedyt][/embedyt] Successful people have fun! Laugh, enjoy life! Gain other peoples’ respect. Be positive, show your character and be awesome! Keep in mind, respect is earned, not given. Gain the appreciation of others. Invest your time and energy in other people and they will do […]

My brain is expired but I’m inspired.

by Mike Phillips

Here is just a little chat on my ride home tonight. I spent the past week in Philadelphia at the Internet Sales 20 Group. It was really a great conference. So tonight, I am just spending time talking about my inspiration, fire, and the recent trip to Philly. [embedyt][/embedyt] I’m glad that I had a busy, but […]

Eliminate “The Scaries” & Sales Fear (The FRONT #6)

by Mike Phillips

Eliminate “the scaries” & sales fear This is a few tips on how to eliminate the fear during the sale. The two primary fears: Fear of rejection or fear of failure. When these two fears set in, then often salespeople will avoid the customer. And we want to avoid that feeling and make sure to get […]

Half of 2017 is in the Books!

by Mike Phillips

Video and Audio Setup Test on Facebook Live (6-19-2017)

by Mike Phillips

Video and Audio Test [embedyt][/embedyt] Testing… 1… 2… Testing… 1… 2… 3… This is just a setup to test the Facebook Live recording. I am checking out both video and audio quality and making sure that I can pull the files then upload them to other venues easily. Of course, my kids wanted to […]

Some days are better than others.

by Mike Phillips

It’s true. Some days are just better than others. But, today was still GREAT! I want every day to be excellent! Every day should be positive and productive. Every day I would hope that you accomplished more than the day prior. There are some days that just seems to fall short though. Often when we […]

How much can you handle?

by Mike Phillips

How do you handle the hand-offs and multi-tasking in your every day environment? In the Olympics, the team that wins at any relay is not always the fastest — it’s the team that handles the hand-offs and changeovers between teammates the most effectively.   The same thing is true of your job. The tasks could […]

Throwback to my favorite Podcast – Episode #1

by Mike Phillips

This is a throwback to one of my very first podcast episodes – Are you waiting on someone else for your success? I am a huge fan of this old school episode. Even though I didn’t know exactly where I was headed, I enjoy listening and hearing the FIRE! Please tune in now and make […]