Posts tagged with ‘Action’

4150 of 74 items

Just Go After It! 15 Minutes!

by Mike Phillips

That’s it! Go after your dream right now!  It just takes 10 or 15 minutes each day to start. But, it has to be consistent. For the dream to blossom and take hold you have to start, it has to be consistent, and it only takes a few minutes each day. So, if you have that […]

The Leadership Ripple Effect (The FRONT #13)

by Mike Phillips

The Leadership Ripple Effect is just like throwing a stone into a pond. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity along the shore. You must understand that as a leader, mentor, and manager, your attitude, energy, and emotions […]

Consistency to Success (The FRONT #11)

by Mike Phillips

Consistency is one of the keys to success!! We have all heard “success leaves clues.” The biggest key to success, in my opinion, is consistency. So tonight I am spending a bit of time discussing a few key ways to stay consistent and accomplish more of your tasks! [embedyt][/embedyt] Make a conscious decision to […]

Power In The Process (The FRONT #9)

by Mike Phillips

The process is the power, and there is power in the process of anything! I start off by discussing the sales process for handling a customer in person. Then  I chat for a few minutes about the phone and BDC process that we use to walk a customer through setting an appointment. [embedyt][/embedyt] Keep […]

Notes On Success (The FRONT #8)

by Mike Phillips

Here are several things I think make people successful! [embedyt][/embedyt] Successful people have fun! Laugh, enjoy life! Gain other peoples’ respect. Be positive, show your character and be awesome! Keep in mind, respect is earned, not given. Gain the appreciation of others. Invest your time and energy in other people and they will do […]

Made it to Cheesesteak in Philly!

by Mike Phillips

It has been a lengthy 2 days at the Internet Sales 20 Group here in Philly! Yes, for 4 days I am in Philadelphia, PA for a great learning workshop the #IS20G. WOW! What a ton of information I have received (but, I’ll recap that later). I have ONE thing to do while I’m here… for […]

Just Go.

by Mike Phillips

Happy 4th of July 2017!

by Mike Phillips

You Don’t Have To Be First (The FRONT #4)

by Mike Phillips

You don’t have to be first… but you do have to be good (or AWESOME!) While you don’t necessarily have to be the first person to do something in business. You don’t even have to execute on a particular idea, product or endorsement before anyone else. You do have to be good at the product, […]

At The End Of The Day…

by Mike Phillips

At the end of the day… Sometimes we just need it to be the end of the day. Let me explain. We are so constantly going, so constantly moving that sometimes our bodies and our minds just need a break. The constant bombardment of people and things; social media, you MUST feed that beast! (Well […]