Posts tagged with ‘Attitude’

1120 of 150 items

Leadership During Crisis

by Mike Phillips

There is a lot going on, and we really need leadership during the current crisis. Today I’m talking and writing about leadership during crisis. Today I am sharing three points we should focus on. These will help you lead your team and your business to see continued success. Everyone is well aware of the current […]

How To Impact People’s Lives

by Mike Phillips

As good and true servant leaders, we all want to know how to influence our people and change people’s lives for the better. We want to impact them for good; we want the people we lead to grow and flourish and see brilliant levels of success. And we want to leave our mark, by teaching […]

Leadership Behaviors: Pace and Intensity | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Pace and intensity is creating high speed in business leadership. In this video I am sharing with you key leadership behaviors and skills to increase the pace of yourself and the intensity in your workplace. As leaders when we outwardly show these leadership behaviors it inspires and grows our people not just because of what […]

Where Focus Goes | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Where focus goes, energy flows. That statement carries a powerful message. This quote that has stuck by me throughout my business career that was shared originally by Tony Robbins. The premise is that whatever we focus on; we receive back in abundance. ▶️ Subscribe to My Channel Here – [podcast src=”” height=”360″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” […]

Leadership Behaviors: Conflict Resolution | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

In this video I am sharing with you some leadership behaviors and skills that will help you with conflict resolution. These tips will help you whether you are seeking solutions to resolve conflict one-on-one or between multiple parties. As leaders when we outwardly show these leadership behaviors it inspires and grows our people not just […]

Sales Process Example | Simple and Proven 5 Step Process | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Today I’m sharing with you my 5 Step Sales Process example that drives proven results. This process can apply to many verticals in business and over a multitude of products. And, if you implement this, it can really simplify your life, and maximize the time involved from greeting to closing the sale. This works best […]

7 Success Facts (replay) | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Here are 7 success facts that you should know! (Or at least that I would like to share with you!) These are business principles that I have learned throughout my time in business, as a youth sports coach, and in leadership. So tune in and check them out! 7 Success Facts Success will not depend on […]

Fear Is A Liar. | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

From @DeionSanders on Instagram today FEAR is a LIAR Oftentimes those things you fear the most are those things that seem to overtake you. God does not promote Fear of people, places, or things. Be brave, be courageous, accept the challenge, stand up, get your slingshot & stones & look at your enemy eye to […]

What Are You Welcoming Into Your Life? | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Are you welcoming in things that don’t grow you or others? I think often times, this is a question of more than just “what are you inviting in,” but, what are you actually WELCOMING into your life? See inviting is extending an invitation – welcoming is actually being excited when that person or thing shows […]

Learning From Losses | The FRONT (Live!)

by Mike Phillips

Do you learn when you lose? High School Football season is back! I love this time of year. Connecting with other parents, having pride in watching all of our kids play. And like each of the players, and other fans that are cheering for our team – I WANT THEM TO WIN!   Our oldest […]