Posts tagged with ‘Friendship’

3 Items

Let’s Go For Coffee (The FRONT #82)

by Mike Phillips

Where does that come from? “Let’s go for coffee?” I was in Denver for the Innovative Dealer Summit, an automotive conference, the past two days. I use real life for inspiration – to find and share the good! So this is today! I had the pleasure of finally meeting my friend Terry Lancaster in person […]

Value in Friendship

by Mike Phillips

There is deep value in friendship. Real friendship is one of the best activities in the world. I say it’s an activity, because friendship has to contain a genuine love for another person, which takes action (love is a verb). A genuine interest in another person. There is no demand and often no major complaints […]

Why friends are important!

by Colin Phillips

In this show I talk about why our friends are important. One of the first things, is to talk about what a good friend is. I will also talk about being positive and not being afraid to talk to others about friendship. So come and join me for some Colin Sense! Listen to internet radio […]