Posts tagged with ‘Action’

3140 of 74 items

5 Tips On Learning Effectively (The FRONT #32)

by Mike Phillips

Today I am talking about effective learning and growth. When people are learning and growing, it makes them more valuable. More valuable to themselves in the form of self-confidence and self-worth and upgraded intra-personal skills. It makes them more valuable to their families, improves interpersonal skills and their relationships. And certainly, makes them more valuable […]

Well Done vs Well Said (The FRONT #31)

by Mike Phillips

“Well done is better than well said.” ~ Benjamin Franklin It’s very difficult to have the wherewithal to both DO great things and TALK ABOUT DOING GREAT THINGS at the same time. So if you have to do just one, which is better? I personally believe it is better to take action, to do. Talking about […]

7 Success Facts (The FRONT #30)

by Mike Phillips

Here are 7 success facts that you should know! (Or at least that I would like to share with you!) These are business principles that I have learned throughout my time in business, as a youth sports coach, and in leadership. So tune in and check them out! 7 Success Facts Success will not depend on […]

10 Ways To Generate Customers As A Car Salesperson (The FRONT #29)

by Mike Phillips

Here are my 10 ways to generate customers as a car salesperson. After watching the video, do you have some additional things that work for you? Leave them in the comments below! Work with the people that you already have in your database or already know. Call them back when you say you will! Only […]

Relationships. They Take Action.

by Mike Phillips

Relationships, yes, they are hard. It takes action and work to make them awesome. Relationships are not about proximity. Though when you are physically near somebody, it often feels easier to get along, because you are around them more often. They are not about how close someone is to you, but how close you feel […]

“Your One Word” Video Book Review

by Mike Phillips

Here is my video review of the book, “Your One Word” by Evan Carmichael. At the time of this writing, I have completed reading (on Amazon Kindle) or listening to Evan Carmichael’s book, “YOUR ONE WORD – The Powerful Secret To Creating a Business and Life That Matter,” three times through now.  A few words […]

Purpose (The FRONT #26)

by Mike Phillips

This show is a repeat. It’s about Purpose. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain Like the quote says, I used to think that I was searching for my purpose. And for a brief time, I thought that […]

3 Things To Actively DO That Increase Influence (The FRONT #25)

by Mike Phillips

Leadership IS influence. If you engage actively in these three things, you can increase your influence and your leadership aptitude. Know yourself and your team. You must play to your strengths as well as your team’s strengths. Making sure to address and develop weak areas to minimize or eliminate shortcomings in a business environment. If […]

Managing Your State and Upping Your Attitude (The FRONT #22)

by Mike Phillips

If you want greater success… you MUST manage your state and up your attitude! So tonight I’m having a discussion on managing your state of mind and upping your attitude! Staying positive is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself for business! Positive self-talk is important. Because positive self-talk leads to […]

Working On My One Word

by Mike Phillips

To find ONE WORD is likely to be the toughest, easy thing I’ve done. I have been reading or listening to rather (on Audible) Evan Carmichael’s book “Your One Word” and it is awesome! Evan is clear on his one-word #BELIEVE. Let me start off by saying that if you haven’t heard of Evan Carmichael, […]