Great leaders aren’t born — they’re molded by experiences, fuelled by passion, and often, seasoned by failure. Every Wednesday, we have candid conversations with outstanding leaders from various business verticals who share their growth journeys and learning experiences. Whether through stories of triumphs or adversities, the gold lies within what these leaders have weathered. Today’s spotlight is on the remarkably inspiring journey of JM Ryerson, and here are pivotal nuggets every budding leader can treasure from our intriguing discussion.

The Backbone of a Successful Leader

JM Ryerson, an awe-inspiring leadership and performance coach, whose impressive twenty-year journey spans selling multiple businesses, authoring essential guides like “Let’s Go Win Champions Daily Playbook,” and voicing leadership practices, shared his philosophies with us. Amidst his ocean of knowledge, several pearls float to the top.

The Humility to Grow and Learn

Within a few moments of speaking with JM, you grasp the essence of why humility bridges the gap between good and great leaders. Ryerson openly talks about identifying early on what he excelled at — and glaringly, what he didn’t. Leadership, JM discovered, was his forte; financial expertise, less so. The path to leadership isn’t about clutching onto what you’re already good at but diving into demanding terrains and learning relentlessly. Do you have the humility to identify, accept, and improve on your shortcomings?

Influence, Not Authority

It’s easy to fall into the trap of associating leadership with command and control. JM eloquently challenges this notion, presenting an alternative perspective centered on influence. According to Ryerson, “Leadership is the ability to influence and inspire those around you.” It’s not just about speaking; it’s about connecting, engaging, and directing in a way that brings out the best in everyone.

Upgrading Myself: The Start of Every Leadership Journey

When asked how one begins their journey to living their best life, Ryerson brings it back to the self. It’s a clarion call for leaders to engage in an “Upgrade,” rather than a sheer transformation, starting with a mere 15 minutes a day dedicated to the trifecta of the self — mind, body, and soul. As leaders, if we fail to invest in ourselves, how can we invest effectively in others?

Painting the Canvas of Vision

One remarkable takeaway from JM’s sage advice: “Your vision needs to be big enough for their [your team’s] vision to fit inside it.” It prompts every leader to adopt a broader perspective, pushing for a collective vision rather than a singular quest. The beauty and success of your leadership reflect in how well you integrate, inspire, and elevate those around you.

Persistence: The Underrated Leadership Virtue

In a heart-to-heart, Ryerson shares the essence of persistence illuminated by a practical incident. Despite sending emails that went unanswered, he didn’t give up seeking engagement. He chose persistence, found alternative routes, and ensured the message was received and acted upon. In leadership, as in life, we’re taught a fundamental truth — that persistence pays off, albeit demanding patience and creativity.


JM Ryerson’s pathway illuminates valuable lessons grounded in generosity, continuous personal growth, and leading with influence rather than power. His journey reminds us that the measure of our victory isn’t determined solely by reaching the summit but by the pathways we forge, the bonds we build, and the lives we impact.

Key Takeaways

  1. Chase Learning, Not Perfection: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Embrace them both with equal humility and courage to learn continuously.
  2. Influence Through Connectivity: Today’s leadership is about influencing authenticity and forging genuine connections.
  3. Start With Upgrading Self: Dedicate time each day to nurture your mind, body, and soul.
  4. Vision Big, Include All: Craft a vision magnanimous enough to encapsulate the aspirations of your team. Leadership is a shared journey where everyone grows together.
  5. Persistence is Key in Communication: Effective communication often requires persistence. Experiment with approaches until you find a successful method.

Leadership is an evolving art that requires you from merely wielding power to empowering others. Dive deeper into the expansive world of effective leadership by connecting with likeminded individuals and mentors who can light the way. Whether you visit our YouTube channel for more inspiring sessions or join leadership forums, remember, the journey to greatness begins with the first step forward. Are you ready to take it?

Check out the full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with JM Ryerson on Spotify, my YouTube Channel, Or you can simply click to watch below.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!

Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership expert with a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!


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