Posts tagged with ‘Action’

7174 of 74 items

Saluto, The Greeting – First 10 Seconds

by Mike Phillips

THE GREETING. Welcome to your first day as a professional sales consultant, I don’t mean like your first, first day… I mean your first real live day on your own.  You have the desk, some business cards, shirt and tie… check.  The business you work for has given you their “sales process” or “road to […]

Manage the ‘tude Dude!

by Mike Phillips

This week I explore the advantages of managing your personal state and attitude. You always have the power to decide: positive or negative – only two outcomes, make the decision, and make it a GOOD one! I’ll talk about some steps you can take to help in setting your mental state up for success, including […]

Where focus goes

by Mike Phillips

There are other writers, bloggers, speakers and general people that have written and spoken on the subject that I am writing on today.  Focus, belief, conviction and how they tie into people achieving high levels of success and blowing away goals and former boundaries set by themselves or members of society.  I am so excited […]

Take action now! Be consistent, hit your goals!

by Mike Phillips

Action is an amazing thing, no matter what needs to get done, nothing happens unless as individuals we DO IT.  Nike, the shoe company, has their entire business built on the slogan, ” JUST DO IT!”  Remember that anything that has ever come into being, especially anything of worth started out as an idea, a […]