Posts tagged with ‘Colorado Springs’

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Selling the car to the customer…

by Mike Phillips

Now, some may think this is an absurd statement on selling, but it’s oh so true and a bit profound. As I was conducting my training session yesterday, I made the statement below, in front of many salespeople. Immediately they were all nodding in agreement and it became a fairly lengthy topic of discussion. “It […]

The NOW can be greater than the NEXT

by Mike Phillips

Often, we get all fired up and focused on what we should be doing next. Write the next blog, work on our business, building, growing and becoming something bigger than we are right now. We continue to push and work on the next important thing. While, the next thing is certainly important make sure that […]

What If You Tried Until…?

by Mike Phillips

When adults are trying to tackle a task or chasing a goal,  most people will make the attempt, once, twice, maybe three times… then quit. There is no more try, left in them. So whatever it is that they were trying to do just stops. Meanwhile, success takes consistency, it takes resilience and tenacity. Consistency is […]

Today: It’s not the whole race.

by Mike Phillips

There are many things in life that are races; just not everything. I do believe you can compare your life to a foot race. Life is more of a marathon style training session. It’s a long ride. Besides that… there are a whole bunch of different racing styles. You will compete in many races and […]

How Did You Do?

by Mike Phillips

I titled today’s blog like I did, because I have this awesome physical trainer/weight trainer/aerobics instructor/ok… I’m not sure what his title really is. His name is Quentin at LifeTime in Colorado Springs, but he introduces these non-stop crazy routines into class workouts (Yes Quentin, it’s you… you’re welcome). And after he gives you 72 […]

Value in Friendship

by Mike Phillips

There is deep value in friendship. Real friendship is one of the best activities in the world. I say it’s an activity, because friendship has to contain a genuine love for another person, which takes action (love is a verb). A genuine interest in another person. There is no demand and often no major complaints […]

Resolution or Revolution – Heck, just do it! 2017!

by Mike Phillips

Its that time of year again… NEW YEARS DAY! Whoopee! It’s the time that (most) everyone decides to make their yearly commitments and resolutions to do better…  workout more, work harder, be more awesome, be a better husband, father or family member, and so on. I have a question for you on  this New Years […]

It’s coming… 2017! Have a prosperous New Year!

by Mike Phillips

Get Your Ball Rolling! Finding More Motivation!

by Mike Phillips

Motivation isn’t magic; though it does sometimes just appear – motivation is need (or want). Motivation is a general willingness to do something, anything. When you NEED or WANT something badly enough, your brain kicks into gear and finds a way to work it out and get it. I know we’ve all been there, I […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

by Mike Phillips

Today, be thankful for all that you have. Thankful for all that you have overcome. Thankful for the opportunity and unknown of your future. Thankful for family, friends, and those people that pop into your life because you know that God has put them there for a reason. Maintain an ongoing attitude of gratitude, and give […]