Posts tagged with ‘Attitude’

2130 of 150 items

Teaching and Coaching | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Some people are coaches, some are teachers. Coaching and teaching and the similarities or differences are something I have been thinking about recently. Both teaching and coaching are of course helping someone learn a particular skill or set of skills or sharing a certain piece of knowledge, and both of them are gifts that are […]

Being Kind Matters | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

Being kind to others matters. It is impactful in so many ways. Right now this is weighing on my mind to be kind to others based on an interaction I had just yesterday in our dealership. Let me share with you the story… (Watch the video to get the story and not just the notes!) […]

5 Success Tips | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

These five tips can bring massive success! Here we go! These by no means are the ONLY tips to see success in life or in business. But these five are speaking to me right now. So I thought I would share! This may be a refresher for some and an epiphany to others. Consistency. Being […]

Leadership Ripple Effect (replay) | The FRONT

by Mike Phillips

This is a replay today from one of my highest rated episodes. The Leadership Ripple Effect. It’s just like throwing a rock into a pond. The ripples and waves push outward. Whether you are positive or negative, the leadership ripple hits the shore. It produces a powerful force and distributes either the positivity or negativity […]

Reminder: You Are Excellent! (The FRONT)

by Mike Phillips

That’s right! YOU… are excellent! Whatever day or time you are watching this video, I want to remind you that you are an amazing and unique being. You are excellent! In fact, stand up and tell yourself that… “I am EXCELLENT!” (You can yell it if you want to!) And for anyone that is listening, […]

How To Make Yourself Do It When You Don’t Want To (The FRONT #105)

by Mike Phillips

Do you have those days that you just don’t want to? When you want to push your projects and … well, anything else for that matter to the back burner. The days where you would rather eat cake and sit on a couch, maybe play video games, rather than make any strides towards great accomplishments? […]

Happy Father’s Day + 3 Things I’m Thankful For (The FRONT #103)

by Mike Phillips

Today, on this Father’s day episode of the FRONT… I just wanted to share the three things I am thankful for, my three kids: Colin, Carter, and Emersyn. And here are a few notes on what I am most proud of from each of them. Colin His character, he has a very strong moral compass, […]

Willingness (The FRONT #98)

by Mike Phillips

There is something special about willingness. This is straight up having the will, preparedness, desire, and the want to do something. When you type the word willingness into Google, It’s just a bunch of definitions. There aren’t a plethora of articles, or blogs, or people talking about what it is to be willing… to do […]

Reminders For My Kids (The FRONT #97)

by Mike Phillips

Today I am sharing some reminders for my kids. And actually… these are also reminders from my kids! These three items are things that can work wonders. I remind my kids of these things regularly. Especially my daughter right now, this has been her mantra. We approach this with youth athletics, with our family, and […]

Sales Hustlers Spotlight with Shawn Hays and guest Mike Phillips | May 22, 2018

by Mike Phillips

Sales Hustler’s Spotlight with the host, Shawn Hays and me, Mike Phillips, as the guest. This show is hosted by Shawn Hays and sponsored by Quickpage – you can check it out here – This was a very fun show and a great conversation! Shawn asked very thoughtful, insightful and sometimes hard questions to […]