“Leadership is influence” ~ John C Maxwell

Influence is defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. I think as leaders we all want to have an effect on our people’s development. An effective leader is someone who understands the power of influence. This is someone just like you!

I think many leaders may view influence as granted to them positionally. Because of a title or particular role that you are in.

Do what you say you will do.

For me, the most powerful parts of influence are action, ability, willingness to listen and learn, and humility. You have to demonstrate who you are along with your skills and abilities to the people you lead. When your team knows that you not only CAN but are WLLING to do the things you are asking of them, they gain respect for who you are as a person. When your people respect you as a person this can change your whole business. 

Leaders should also be able to use their influence to bring about positive change in their people and in their organizations. A leader who is able to successfully influence their team can help the organization achieve its goals and objectives. They can also help to create a sense of unity within the team and help foster collaboration and take home big wins! 

Growth, change, performance, and results, those things all start at the top, they start within the leadership of an organization. As a leader, care enough to bruise your ego by viewing your influence as more than just a title that you have. Influence is who we are, it’s born out of our actions and our character.

Great leadership is the result of great influence.