Posts tagged with ‘winning’

6166 of 66 items

Seeking the better solution

by Mike Phillips

A fired up half hour full of impact and tools for you to develop yourself and start seeking solutions rather than problems. We’ll talk about finding better solutions to various problems in your life by first problem finding, which a lot of people are really good at; and then problem definition or shaping. Let’s get […]

The Champion Mindset

by Mike Phillips

I am a champion. I am a champion because of my beliefs, my attitude and my mindset. One thing that get’s me fired up is the “theme song” from the 2008 Olympics, “The Champion in Me” by Three Doors Down. If you haven’t heard it, check it out! Ask yourself – How are you walking? How […]

Deed versus Title

by Mike Phillips

As with any evolution, leadership has continued to grow, change, develop – then go full circle.  Leadership will continue to revisit old principles, make them seem new again and develop them for a modern day business world.  Right now leaders in business have to train, perform and execute similar to officers of ancient military regimes […]

100% Communication – Create Congruency

by Mike Phillips

This week I will discuss the communication model and how it breaks down, in percentages. By knowing the specific break down. This works great for sales professionals communicating with prospects and existing customers; it works well in our personal lives with friends, and more importantly our families.

Where focus goes

by Mike Phillips

There are other writers, bloggers, speakers and general people that have written and spoken on the subject that I am writing on today.  Focus, belief, conviction and how they tie into people achieving high levels of success and blowing away goals and former boundaries set by themselves or members of society.  I am so excited […]

Take action now! Be consistent, hit your goals!

by Mike Phillips

Action is an amazing thing, no matter what needs to get done, nothing happens unless as individuals we DO IT.  Nike, the shoe company, has their entire business built on the slogan, ” JUST DO IT!”  Remember that anything that has ever come into being, especially anything of worth started out as an idea, a […]