Leadership isn’t only about giving orders and making decisions. Leadership is about setting the right tone and inspiring others to follow. I recently had the opportunity to interview the amazing Kerri Wise. Kerri is a seasoned leader with years of experience in various verticals of the automotive industry. She took the time to share her wisdom on how to lead by example and to be THE example. We delve into practical strategies for demonstrating the values and behaviors you want to see in your team, ultimately creating a culture of excellence.

Authenticity can be a buzzword in leadership. What does authenticity really mean, and how can you cultivate it in your leadership style? Kerri and Mike explore the importance of authenticity and how being genuine can foster trust and loyalty among your team members. You’ll discover how to embrace your unique leadership qualities and use them to your advantage.

Flexibility is crucial for leaders. Kerri Wise discusses the significance of adaptability and how being open to change can help you navigate the ever-evolving business landscape. You can’t just coach everyone the same way. We discussed valuable tips on staying agile and responsive as a leader while maintaining your core principles. “Rigid in principle, flexible in approach!”

Kerri shared some leadership challenges:

  1. Holding others accountable (including having to fire people)
  2. Taking everything on yourself; not delegating enough.

One of the toughest challenges for leaders is holding people accountable. Mike and Kerri share their personal experiences and strategies for effectively addressing accountability issues within a team. You’ll gain insights into the delicate balance between fostering independence and ensuring accountability.

Many leaders find it challenging to delegate tasks without micromanaging. Kerri offered some practical guidance on how to strike the right balance and empower your team. Furthermore, you need to know it’s still important to maintain control over the critical aspects of your projects.

Tune in to this episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast for an engaging conversation filled with actionable advice to help you become a more effective and authentic leader. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership journey, you’ll walk away with valuable insights and strategies to enhance your leadership skills.

Check out past episodes of The Leadership Toolkit on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform!