Leadership isn’t a destination; it’s a journey—an adventure of continuous growth, learning, and adaptation. In the ever-changing business landscape, leaders like Subi Ghosh exemplify the dynamism and resilience needed to thrive. A seasoned marketer, a celebrated leader, and an advocate for inclusivity, Subi’s story is a testament to the power of proactive leadership.

Embrace Your Leadership Journey

Leadership begins with self-awareness. Recognizing your innate abilities is the first step. Subi, who jokingly claims leadership was her birthright as the oldest of 19 grandchildren, realized that true leadership went beyond family dynamics—it involved making conscious choices, stepping up, and leading even when it was easier to follow.

Ask yourself, are you leaning into your potential leadership roles, or are you shying away from them? “I am far better at fighting for other people than for myself,” Subi admits. This revelation empowered her to find her voice and advocate for others, a hallmark of effective leadership.

Learn, Adapt, and Grow

Leaders are perpetual students. Subi’s pivot from a marketing assistant to an executive vice president didn’t happen overnight. It was a process punctuated by learning, adapting, and growing. “I continue to want to be a student and don’t want to be the person at the top just yet,” she says, highlighting the importance of continual growth and learning.

What are you doing to ensure you’re constantly learning and growing in your leadership role? Remember, complacency is the enemy of progress.

The Cornerstones of Leadership: Vision, Structure, and Culture

Vision without structure is like a ship without a rudder. Subi took what she learned in school, coupled it with an understanding of customer needs, and began implementing structures that were sorely needed. “Focusing on culture and focusing on what should be better,” she notes, is crucial for any organization that aims to succeed.

Are you actively working to create a vision, establish structure, and foster a culture that aligns with your organization’s goals?

Lead with Empathy and Inclusion

Subi’s leadership philosophy extends beyond the boardroom. Her role in founding the Women of Color Automotive Network underscores her commitment to inclusivity and diversity. “I don’t want anyone to ever feel like they’re on the outside,” she stresses.

In your leadership strategy, how are you ensuring that every voice is heard and every team member feels included?

Take Calculated Risks and Be Comfortable with Discomfort

Sometimes, leadership means stepping into the unknown. Subi’s journey has been about taking calculated risks and being comfortable with discomfort, a sentiment echoed by her mentors who encouraged her to trust in her abilities even when she doubted herself.

What risks are you avoiding due to fear of discomfort? How might these risks propel you and your organization forward?

Action-Oriented Mindset: Do It Scared

“Do it scared,” Subi advises. Leadership isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about being willing to take action even when the outcome is uncertain. It’s about making decisions and learning from them, whether they lead to success or provide valuable lessons from failure.

What action have you been putting off because you’re afraid? How can you move forward despite that fear?

Conclusion: The Leadership Symphony

Subi Ghosh’s insights into leadership are a melody of practical wisdom. Leadership isn’t just a role; it’s a mindset that encompasses vision, continuous learning, structure, empathy, inclusivity, and the courage to act despite fear. It’s about creating a symphony where each note contributes to a harmonious whole.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Discover Your Leadership Role: Identify and embrace your potential as a leader, even in the most informal settings.
  2. Commit to Continuous Learning: Stay curious and seek knowledge to propel your leadership journey forward.
  3. Build a Vision with Structure: Develop clear strategies and structures that align with your organization’s culture and goals.
  4. Foster Inclusivity: Create an environment where all voices are valued and every team member feels included.
  5. Embrace the Unknown: Take calculated risks and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to achieve greatness.
  6. Act Despite Fear: “Do it scared” and take action to move past paralysis by analysis.

Ready to lead with vision, empathy, and boldness? Embrace these lessons from Subi Ghosh, and step into your leadership potential today. Don’t just aspire to be a leader—become the leader you were always meant to be.


Check out the full episode of The Leadership Toolkit podcast with Subi Ghosh on my YouTube Channel. Or you can simply click to watch below.

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Our host, Mike Phillips is a seasoned leadership expert with a knack for extracting the most valuable insights from his guests. His passion for helping individuals reach their leadership potential shines through in every episode. Thank you for reading and watching. Please share this with someone who needs this message today!

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