Leadership means being more.

One thing I have learned from my time in leadership roles; I have learned a whole bunch of things, and many by accident… those are sometimes the best lessons. Anyway, leadership is about more than just managing a team or a project. Management to me has to do with things, the ‘stuff.’

Leadership is about being more. It’s taking initiative, inspiring others, and being THE example. First and foremost about leading yourself before you try to influence someone else. It’s about making a difference, being creative, and having the courage to take risks. Leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to drive change and accomplish great things. At its core, leadership is about helping other people reach their goals and an outward focus because that is what will propel you to reach your own successes. It’s about finding ways to work together and motivate each other to reach a common goal. When you do this, everyone wins. To me, those are the strongest leaders. The team wins, each individual gets that sense of accomplishment and takes home a win, and of course, then you, the leader wins!

Everyone likes to win!

When I say that leaders need to be the example; leaders need to be able to demonstrate the qualities they want their team members to possess. They need to be able to embody the values they want to promote and show their team that they are worth following. Leadership is a complex skill, but with the right attitude and approach, anyone can become a successful leader. There are plenty of people that have said, you have probably said, “He/She is a natural-born leader.” While I think there are plenty of people that have a predisposition to leadership, leaders are not just born, they are made. They are made by forcing themselves to be more. Solid leaders at every level in an organization are the ones that possess a strong mindset and push themselves. It takes dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and grow, but the rewards of being a great leader are worth it.

Learn more great leadership tactics and methods on my youtube channel.