A positive mindset acts as a beacon, lighting the path to one’s aspirations. It’s not merely about wearing rose-tinted glasses but about fostering an encouraging environment. Mindset is your internal environment, bolstered by relentless drive and focus. Your mindset can make the difference between stagnation and progression. In a world teeming with distractions, a positive mindset becomes the rudder steering the direction of your dreams.

On another phenomenal episode of The Leadership Toolkit, Mike Phillips was joined by the incredible Katie Jefferson. Katie has always had a natural instinct to step up to the plate and be a leader. She is a forward thinker and someone that takes action and suggests other leaders should do the same.

Katie shared with Mike a few key characteristics of great leaders in her life.

  1. Positive Mindset. A strong leader will always strive to be positive and encouraging. Katie shares that throughout the pandemic, the key people in her leadership team focused on motivation and positivity to keep people focused. She said, “A negative mindset will present a negative outcome.”
  2. Drive & Hustle. A strong leader must also be hustling. You can’t sit at the top and preach things that you are not willing to do yourself. Success takes hard work and grind. Lead by example.

She shared these actionable Items to help yourself grow:

Never stop learning. The minute you stop learning, you become stagnant. The world of business is always changing. You must adapt and pivot when necessary. In real estate, this is especially true. The market is a roller coaster, constantly changing interest rates and economic fluctuations.

Read. Read books and listen to podcasts. There are so many successful leaders out there willing to share their experiences. There is always something to learn. It also helps you keep your mindset right.

Daily Affirmations. Start your day off with some quiet time. Whether that be your bible or meditation. Take time to write down what you are thankful for and what your goals are. Katie shares some specific affirmations that she uses! My favorite is “I am successful, wealthy, and influential”.

The quest for betterment never ends, and it starts with a single thought: believe in the possible.

Watch this full episode of The Leadership Toolkit.

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