Originally shared on my YouTube about 6 months ago… but I love the message so I decided to share here.

Winning in Life.

Today I am sharing 5 actions you can take to WIN right NOW; both in business and in life. I think you would all agree, we are living in a crazy time right now. It’s better to focus on good things rather than focusing on your anxiety, frustrations, and negativity. I want to share some ideas to help you see a lot of success and actions that you can take to WIN right now!

1️⃣ Own your mentality. And, don’t be a victim. Eliminate bad thoughts when they creep in. – instead choose positive things to engage in and positive media to consume. You groom the garden of your mind. You have heard the saying, garbage in garbage out. This is true now more than ever. Focus on the things you can control, not what those things that you can’t

2️⃣ Be deliberate in your actions. This starts with written goals. Write goals down. Demonstrate power. As you accomplish the things that your mind set out to do – you create trust, trust within yourself – you can actually change your own self outlook.

3️⃣ Own your results. You have to believe that the necessary actions ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY – NO ONE ELSE’S Therefore, whatever the results are, they are YOUR results. YOU produced them. Don’t get involved in the blame game. Example sales person vs. sales manager.

4️⃣ Play to win One-dimensional people will not win right now – you have to be an option thinker, and most of all don’t be too stubborn to change your way of doing something to fit someone else’s needs. You have to come up with multiple ways to win! You must constantly be reassessing what your wins look like from day-to-day. Rewire and reprogram your mind to view the positive in any outcome and seek out winning, rather than to dwell on or focus on losing.

5️⃣ Don’t quit – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oup30ALYnA Self-discipline is at the center of material success. In a workout drill, one minute can seem like an eternity… sweat, wearing out, pain, shaking. Our coach was on fire this morning (as were my legs). He made this simple, yet profound statement. “Don’t Give Up! Never Give Up! When you stop… you only get good at one thing… giving up. So, just keep going!” Our lives, they are quite similar to that ONE MINUTE. It feels like an eternity, a long ride. But, when you look back on it all, those minutes they all stack up. NEVER GIVE UP! One thing that will help you to keep going – re-visualize the finish line – what’s the goal?

What are some actions you are personally taking right now that are allowing you to win? What advice would you give others?

Thank you for reading the blog today, please consider subscribing on my YouTube and sharing this video with someone that you think might need to hear the message!