Two things YOU can do starting NOW to see more success!

In this post I am sharing two simple habits for success. These are success habits that you can do starting NOW! The most successful people know these things and they engage in this DAILY. We all say we want success, but what are you willing to actually do to get it? How often will you do that thing you say will make you more successful? What are you will to sacrifice and give up?

Successful people, have successful habits.

The people that make the millions, get the part, win the day, they all share two simple traits in common. The hard part is getting the motivation for success and to develop the right habits.

Keep in mind, the more you act, the more you will want to continue to act.

Mel Robbins television host and esteemed author of “The 5 Second Rule” talks repeatedly in her book about the value of action and repetition. In fact, that is the entire basis of her book… take action, do something now to change first, take action at the moment; you can become excellent over time.

Warren Buffett who is one of the richest people in the world was even quoted in a recent CNBC interview as saying (regarding successful investing)… ““You need a stable personality, you become more stable through repetition”

Earl Nightingale, famed motivational speaker and author had this to say about repetition. “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

So these two things are simple, they are just not always easy. Because we have to tell ourselves to get going. We have to push. We have to overcome our own fears and self-doubt to just begin.

  1. Take action – towards your goal or goals.
  2. Repeat – over, and over, and over… UNTIL you get it.

Action creates momentum, repetition creates mastery, you want to become successful master these two good habits, master the small things, because then they will grow. As always, thank you for stopping by. Please SUBSCRIBE, like, and share the video!

Mike Phillips