There is a lot going on, and we really need leadership during the current crisis.

Today I’m talking and writing about leadership during crisis. Today I am sharing three points we should focus on. These will help you lead your team and your business to see continued success. Everyone is well aware of the current state of affairs in the world. Trending from a very rough political climate, the stock market, and potentially deadly illnesses – this can be both a tough time to lead, and one that can be rewarding as you help your team and your business to navigate through to the other side of success.

✳️ Research information. Be aware of where you are getting your information from. Make certain that the information you obtain is from a trusted source. Share from experts – NOT – commentators, social media, and news outlets who often favor opinion over fact because the more people they get looking, drives advertising revenue. As a leader, one of your jobs is to lead from the front and your team is counting on your due diligence in researching correct information.

✳️ Communicate openly. This is perhaps the most important skill needed when dealing with crisis management. Leaders must communicate with their people during times of crisis. They need to be able to remain calm and focus on relaying pertinent information as quickly as possible. You are much more likely to experience a better outcome when they have the ability to communicate effectively with their employees.

✳️ Manage your emotional state. Simply put, it’s important to remain calm. Even when or if things do get out of hand, part of your job as a leader is to manage the emotional state of yourself and those around you. Certain aspects of people’s emotions will mirror and dynamically influence others. Because emotions create importance, an emotional response makes certain situations more important. Emotions become more amplified and distorted when people see them in others. So regardless of your personal opinions, the more calm you are, the more calm those around you will be.

What are the things you are doing for your people to help them through it, rather than allowing them to submit to it?